There is no such thing as a "grant of land" for private camps to host classes.

ALL tents at Pennsic University are a limited resource but we will attempt to meet specific location requests. If we have to make a change, we will make every attempt to contact the teacher and let them know.
When registering, please use the "Scheduling additional" box on the form to request specific locations, including holding the class in the Bog University.

For safety and logistics reasons we prefer that all classes are taught in University tents. We do allow Pennsic University classes to be held in a private camp or merchant space if there is a good reason to allow it, for example:

  • You have heavy equipment that would be difficult to move (i.e.: blacksmith forges, wood lathes, or large looms) 
  • There is some ambiance that contributes greatly to the mood of the class (i.e.: Mongol culture classes being held in a yurt, Japanese tea ceremony in a Japanese style encampment, Middle Eastern music in a merchant booth specializing in ME instruments).

A class intended primarily for children may not be held in a private camp or merchant booth.

You must provide University Point with detailed directions to your camp or merchant booth. You can do this when you arrive onsite and check in with University Point.

Some of the University tents do have electricity. If you request it via the "Special Needs" section of the Teacher Registration Form, you will be assigned to a tent with power. However, it is strongly recommended that teachers find a "period" method of sharing visual information. Among other issues, if the power goes out, Pennsic University staff can do nothing to aid you during the disruption of your class.

Sorry, no. We can give you directions to the nearest copy store. We recommend bringing 10 copies of any handouts, or more if you're teaching a class that has been very popular in the past. You could also make arrangements to send your students emailed copies of the handouts after Pennsic.

Contact the Registrar and we'll try our best. Please keep in mind that for certain days and times, tent space is very scarce -- we're not trying to be difficult, but to ensure everyone gets as good a slot as possible. Preference will be given to those requesting a time first. We will try to accommodate requested changes, but can make no guarantees.

Yes, please. When you check in, it assures us that you are actually on site and will be available to teach your class at the scheduled time. If any conflicts in your schedule have arisen, you can resolve them at this time. And – best of all – you can pick up your teacher token.

YES. While you may state a limit on the number of handouts or materials kits you will be bringing, you are not allowed to stop people from coming to your class and "auditing" it.

We have a limited number of whiteboards and markers available at University Point. If a teacher wishes to bring projectors or other electrical equipment, they are welcome to request electricity to power them. (Also see the "Can I use electrical equipment?" question.)

Brevity is CRITICAL -- Class descriptions are limited to 150 characters. Run it through a good spell-checker, and have a friend proofread it. Make sure everything students need to know is mentioned in your description.

Like other Pennsic classes, teachers are volunteers – you cannot charge for your time or labor. Materials, including handouts, can be charged at their "fair value". In other words, while you may never charge for a student to simply attend a class, you may ask for a fair, non-labor cost fee for materials and handouts the students use in that class.

No - on your Classes page you will see all the classes you taught last year. Simply click the "Request for This Year" button, and the new class form will open up with all the information except date and location already filled out. Just complete the scheduling request information as normal and click the "Create Class" button.

No - if you have taught in the last four years, your Teacher information should still be in the system. After logging in, please update your Pennsic attendance dates and make sure your profile information is current for this year.

If you can't find a login that works, contact us for help rather than making a new login.

Please use the "Scheduling Additional" field in the class registration form to add notes for special scheduling instructions.

If your class listing has information missing or misspelled, wrong dates and/or times, or your classes are not listed, please contact the Registrar ASAP. We'll fix them as fast as possible.

Select "Other". Please use the "Scheduling additional" field if you want to indicate what topic/track your class should be under.

While we appreciate the enthusiasm of teachers who wants to offer many different classes and sessions, we reserve the right to trim some multiple offerings due to space and time constraints. If you wish to underline the need to teach multiple times, please contact the Registrar.

No. Pennsic University - like all of the SCA – is based on the idea of "knowledge freely shared". No instructors are compensated for any reason – except in the ability to attend other, excellent classes.

The Pennsic War