Heralds’ Point is located at the intersection of the Low Road with the Great Eastern Highway, next to the playground/Family Point.

Come to Heralds’ Point to get help with your SCA name and armory! Our heralds will work with you to choose a name that fits your persona’s culture, geographical location, and time period. You can then submit that name for registration, which will ensure that it is uniquely yours and cannot be used by another.

Heraldic devices or badges are optional for most people but can be useful to represent you visually. They serve as your own logo or trademark and can be used on your shield, your armor, your clothing, your tent, your belongings and more. Our heralds and artists are ready to help you create your own unique personal design and submit it for registration, thereby reserving it for your use. We can help with names, devices, and badges for individuals, SCA branches, and households. We stand ready to serve individuals and groups from every kingdom in the Known World.

During your initial consultation with a herald, you will discuss your thoughts and ideas about your name and armory. After the initial consultation, your submission will be forwarded to senior heralds for review. Armory submissions will be drawn and colored by our art staff. You should expect to return the following day to approve and pick up your submission. For most kingdoms, we can accept payment at this time and send everything for processing by your kingdom. Some kingdoms do not accept submissions directly from Pennsic; for those kingdoms, we will prepare the paperwork for you to pick up, then you will mail it to your kingdom submissions herald along with the proper fees.

Heralds’ Point will once again be doing name and armory consultation for any interested gentles. Please come find us if you’d like some help with a name, device, badge, household name … just about any kind of book heraldry thing you might want help with. 
We’ll help research, conflict check, draw up the forms and armory, and ship it off to your kingdom submissions herald. You just pay your normal kingdom submissions fee; almost all kingdoms accept submissions through us. Please note that you will need to come back on a later date to approve your art and pay for your submission. If you need help with a branch submission, several submissions, a complicated or culturally specific submission, we’d really appreciate it if you come to the Point as early in the War as you can and ask about making an appointment. 
Heralds’ Point will be open for heraldic consultation
Wednesday July 30 – 11 am to 5 pm
Thursday July 31 – 11 am to 5 pm
Friday August 1 – 11 am to 5 pm
Saturday August 2 – 11 am to 5 pm
Sunday August 3 – 11 am to 5 pm
Monday August 4 – 2 pm to 8 pm
Tuesday August 5 – 11 am to 5 pm
Wednesday August 6– 11 am to 5 pm
New customer sign-in will stop an hour before we close.
We will be open for pickups only on Thursday, August 7 from 11 am to 2 pm.
Volunteers of all kinds are always needed and welcomed. Greeters, warranted exchequers, artists/colorers, and folks to perform general administrative duties are needed as well as heralds to help consult and learn. Stop by just about any time to sign up or just come volunteer! 
Pennsic Heralds Point is a great place to come and learn from a mentor how to consult, conflict check, and work with submiters. At 10:30AM, the heraldic staff will meet with you to discuss your mentoring needs and what kind of submissions you would like learn more about (armory or names). We can then align you with someone you can shadow and when the best mentor will be available that day. 
All heralds, please join us at Heralds Point for the Known World Heralds Party, evening of Sun., August 4. The Colleges of Heralds of the East, Midrealm, and Æthelmearc invite all heralds to join come socialize and meet fellow heralds from around the Known World! Light refreshments will be served.