Watch Phone Number: (571) 629-1853 (only active during the event)
News and Updates
Consolidated Rules and Policies
The Event Safety Division exists to assist in the safe operation of Pennsic. The Deputy Mayor of Event Safety is directly responsible for managing the division and reports directly to the Mayor. In addition to the deputy mayor, Event Safety contains departments necessary to facilitate these functions each of which is overseen by a department head.
Event Safety Departments
The Watch
The Watch functions to ensure the safety of Pennsic attendees by resolving problems and enforcing site rules. The essence of the Watch’s function is analogous to a modern “Neighborhood Watch” and functions for the purposes of observation and report. The head of the Watch appoints and manages additional volunteer staff to ensure function of the department.
The Watch is not a security service and does not conduct any form of security function. The Watch is a “see and report” function to aid Pennsic staff, the SCA, and CLC management in making decisions on the safe operation of the event; and to assist attendees in need of aid or information on compliance with site rules.
The Watch does not conduct investigations based on reports it receives. Instead, the Watch strives to provide appropriate information and assistance to attendees. When an activity is observed or reported to the Watch which constitutes a violation of Pennsic policies or rules, the Watch may recommend or work in connection with the Mayor’s office to sanction an attendee up to and including ejection from site. The Watch may provide additional information to the SCA, CLC management, and appropriate authorities.
Attendees who wish to make a complaint concerning the misconduct of another attendee will be offered assistance in contacting the Seneschals, CLC management, or the Police.
First Aid Point
First Aid Point provides on-site, emergency medical services provided by a contractual arrangement between Pennsic and a professional service. While other Event Safety functions interface with and support EMS, the procedures and operation of medical services are fully within the contractual role of the EMS provider. First aid assistance can be acquired by visiting First Aid Point or by calling The Watch and requesting EMS assistance. In addition, attendees requiring immediate medical assistance can call 911 and alert answering dispatch that they are attending Pennsic located at Cooper’s Lake Campground. Emergency 911 dispatch operators have the ability to directly dispatch EMS on-site.
Parking Enforcement
Parking Enforcement’s primary function is to oversee and enforce the parking and traffic rules per the Pennsic site rules and policies. The head of Parking Enforcement appoints and manages additional volunteer staff to ensure function of the department.