We welcome inquiries and visits from the members of the media community and will do our best to make your visit both enjoyable and productive. To protect the rights and privacy of our attendees we require that all members of the media be subject to the GUIDELINES FOR PROFESSIONAL MEDIA below. Applications for media representatives to visit Pennsic are due by July 11th at 11:59 p.m.. Due to the need to properly arrange the logistics of a successful media visit with advance notice to various Pennsic War service departments, we apologize that we cannot accommodate any requests that come in after this date.Pennsic War 50 Media Office
Guidelines for Professional Media
- Media representatives may visit Pennsic from August 4 to August 8 between the hours 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
- To effectively facilitate media visits, all prospective media guests are required to pre-register with the Media Liaison office before — no “walk-ins” are permitted. To pre-register, complete the Media and application and contact form.
- In submitting your proposal, you agree to adhere to the SCA’s Commercial Film and Photography Rules. The Pennsic Media Liaison, Pennsic Mayor, and appropriate SCA officers will consider your proposal.
- If your proposal/visit is approved, you are required to sign the Commercial Film and Photography Rules, which are established by the SCA, Inc. This form must be given to the Pennsic Media Liaison when, or before, you arrive on site. No filming, photography, or interviewing will be allowed until this form has been signed and submitted. This form also covers the issue of Intellectual Property. By signing it, your organization agrees that the intellectual property rights currently held by the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc., its individual branches, officers, directors, and instructors presenting classes during Pennsic War, will not be infringed upon.
- Media Representatives must be escorted by a representative of the Pennsic Media Liaison staff at all times while on-site.
- Media Representatives must clearly display a Pennsic-issued “Press Card” so that our attendees recognize their function. The press card also exempts the members of the media from the SCA, Inc. requirement that event attendees wear an attempt at pre-17th century clothing.
- Filming and/or still photography is limited to events/activities listed in the official Pennsic schedule. These activities may not be considered performances in the public domain, as this is a private event for members of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. Camera crews are not permitted to film from restricted battle areas, or into private encampments, private parties, or private entertainment. Permission must be clearly obtained for all interviews, and Media Representatives must respect the wishes of those who do not wish to be interviewed, filmed, or photographed.
- Media Representatives are subject not only to local/state/federal laws, but ALSO to the Governing Documents of the SCA, Inc., laws of all attending Kingdoms, and special event policies (Please see the Pennsic Site Rules). As with any other Pennsic attendee, Media representatives need to heed the requests of event staff, SCA officers, and site employees. Failure to comply may result in expulsion from the event.
- Any area where filming/photography is to take place will have notifications clearly posted in advance of the scheduled filming times. Given such notice, Pennsic attendees who do not wish to be potentially filmed are responsible for avoiding the cameras.
- Entry to an event held by the SCA, Inc., or any of its branches, does not implicitly give permission to film individuals. People who may NOT be filmed:
- Minors, unless consent is given by a parent or legal guardian (all minor releases must be on file with the Pennsic Media Liaison)
- Anyone injured during the course of activities during the Pennsic War, unless permission is obtained in writing (all releases of this nature must be on file with the Pennsic Media Liaison)
- Media Representatives are expected to be as unobtrusive as possible. The media crew may not recruit volunteers from the Pennsic attendees, and no film crew may promote their company on Pennsic grounds. While filming may take place in “public areas” there is an expectation of privacy that does not immediately translate to modern thinking. This is clarified in the following manner:
- Public areas: Battlefield, “Court” (depending upon Kingdom law prohibiting filming – this will be clarified by the Media Liaison), the marketplace, and roads.
- Private areas: Camp areas (set off by borders of rope, sheet walls, gates, close placements of tents, etc.), individual classes not already permitting filming within Pennsic University.
- No scaffolding, boom mikes, track cameras, or spotlights are permitted for on-site filming; only ambient light is permitted. Additionally, no crew trailers, RV’s, or equipment trucks are permitted on-site. Please provide a link/copy of your finished piece to the Media Liaison Office so that it may be sent to the Corporate Media Office of SCA, Inc. With the link, also provide contact information which will be forwarded to the Corporate Media Office of SCA, Inc.