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The Information Services Division exists to assist in the sharing of information and providing updates concerning the execution and status of the event. The Deputy Mayor of Information Services is directly responsible for managing the division and reports directly to the Mayor. In addition to the deputy mayor, Information Services contains departments necessary to facilitate these functions each of which is overseen by a department head.

Information Services Departments

Information Point is a physical location at Pennsic staffed to provide assistance in navigating the wealth of information required to participate in the event with confidence, as well as sales of paper copies of the Event Guide. In addition, Lost and Found is located within the same physical location and assists those seeking or turning in lost items.

Town Criers are responsible for updating sign-boards across site with physical copy status updates about onsite activities and events.

Website staff provide content management for the website throughout the year.

Event Guide staff ensure editing and publication of the content within the Event Guide (electronic and paper).

Social Media staff collect and edit content for Pennsic social media accounts and maintain relationships with other relevant groups/media accounts. The information provided by Pennsic Social Media represents official information and updates from all of Pennsic staff.

Media Liaison personnel are responsible for guiding and assisting outside Media as they interact with or share information about Pennsic.

Dróttinn (Lord) Randver Kveld-Ulfr,
Content Admin
Duchess Elizabeth von Kulmbach, OL, OP
Deputy Mayor
Baroness Jessa d'Avondale, OP
Event Guide
Publications Director
Baron Arias Beltran del Valle,
Media Liaison
Grafinya (Countess) Katalena Ivaniaia zhena Shishova, OP
Wordpress Development
Baroness Margherita di Raffaele,
Wordpress Development Deputy