Greetings unto the attendees of Pennsic War LII. I, Syr Gunther Kegslayer, have the honor of serving as your Mayor.
Though I’ve been involved in the SCA for 28 years, my Pennsic War journey started at Pennsic 27. There I fought for the Middle Kingdom and camped at Vlad’s Pleasure Pavilions. For the next 25+ years I’ve volunteered in many different aspects to help give back to the SCA community that changed who I am as a human being.
I’ve also worked hard to make Pennsic better; to serve the people I call family. I’ve set up the barn, marshalled on the battlefield, put up road signs, served in Land, served in Tech service, served in Information, served drinks, and done my best to help Pennsic into its next evolution in technology.
In those 25 years I’ve lost friends to cancer, illness, and stroke. Pennsic has also given me some of the greatest moments of my life, I’ve learned about my wife being pregnant with my son at Pennsic, made some of my best friends in my life, 20 years ago I was Knighted on the battlefield of Pennsic, then ten years ago I was recognized as a Pelican, now I’ve been selected to be the Mayor. It seems every 10 years something major happens to me at Pennsic. Every Pennsic there is change, growth, and sadly, loss. In a dynamic universe, change is the only constant. Not all change is bad, nor is all change good, my hope for all of you is that you “Be the change you hope to see in the world”
Every year, Pennsic runs on the kindness of volunteers. While we are grateful for all those who volunteer when they arrive at Pennsic, there is also a large group of people donating time many months in advance. With that knowledge, please be kind to all of those who serve Pennsic. Without them, our collective Pennsic experience would suffer.
The Pennsic War is unique and special. It is many things to many people. Most importantly, it has room for everyone. It is my hope you can all find a home, a family, a place of your own. I encourage you to find your people, find your family and cherish them, just as I did so many years ago.
Syr Gunther KegSlayer
Pennsic Mayor 52