All Family Activities classes, events, and activities follow SCA and Pennsic Rules regarding minors, including background checked youth officer supervision and the two-deep model at all times.

Family Activities are not to be construed as babysitting, and all youth under 10 still need to be supervised as per Pennsic policy. Parents/Guardians are responsible for their child’s behavior and welfare, and must arrange appropriate supervision at all times.

Map of Family Point for Pennsic 51
Family Point has programming focused mainly for children under the age of 10.
  • Family Point, located at the playground in the second tent from the road, is targeted towards gentles aged 3-9 and their caregivers, and is open each day from 9-12 pm and 1-4 pm with scheduled classes and activities. In addition to classes, there is a quiet space for coloring/art for those who may need a break from the playground or busy bustle of Pennsic.
  • Activities will be published in the Pennsic University schedule and on the board at Family Point.
  • Classes/Activities at Family Point are generally scheduled between 9:00 am - noon and 1 - 4 pm, although some classes may run past 4 pm.
  • If you have specific questions on an activity, check with the staff at the activity location.
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Youth University has programming focused on those gentles aged 9-14. While these guidelines are flexible, some classes have stricter guidelines due to safety or ability. Please observe these and consider the needs and abilities of your individual child.


  • YouthU is located in the outer tent (Family Point Tent 2) at Family Point/the playground and hosts classes aimed at 9-14 year olds. 
  • While the age guidelines are flexible, some classes have specific age limits for safety/ability. Please observe these and consider the needs and abilities of your individual child.
  • We offer classes on a variety of historical and SCA-Cultural topics, including many hands-on crafts.
  • This space allows those in this age group to experience some freedom while taking age-appropriate classes. It also allows families the flexibility of supporting an older child while allowing a younger child to use the playground or take a Family Point Class.
  • Classes will be published in the Pennsic University schedule and on the board at Family Point.
  • Classes are generally scheduled between 9:00 am - noon and 1 - 4 pm, although there are some exceptions.
  • If you have specific questions on an activity, check with the teacher of the class, or the staff at Family Point, in Tent 1. Also, you can leave a note for the coordinator, or email them directly.
  • At night, this tent will be transformed into our Teen/Tween Lounge.

Teen University Schedule

This track of classes is a chance for older teens and youth to try out a variety of classes on history, hands-on skills, and SCA culture.

TeenU classes are held in A&S 6 in the main Pennsic University area.

While older youth are welcome and encouraged to attend any Pennsic University class, (except those clearly marked as 18+ because they involve alcohol, mature topics, or are in private camps) many gentles between the ages of 14-17 prefer a learning environment of their peers, and/or a lower stress or lower entry level opportunity to learn. These classes are geared towards older youth, and are often the exact same class as the instructor teaches in the regular university.

Please see the bullet points under Youth U for further information.

  • TeenU is located within the Pennsic University Campus, usually in AS6. Classes are aimed at 14-17 year olds.
  • While the age guidelines are flexible, some classes have specific age limits for safety/ability. Please observe these and consider the needs and abilities of your individual youth.
  • While adults are not prohibited from attending TeenU classes, we ask that Teens are given first opportunity in any limited size or supply class.
  • We offer classes on a variety of historical and SCA-Cultural topics, including many hands-on crafts.
  • Classes will be published in the Pennsic University schedule and on the board at Family Point.
  • If you have specific questions on an activity, check with the teacher of the class, or the staff at Family Point, in Tent 1. You can leave a note for the coordinator, or email them directly. This address will be checked during War.

T(w)een Lounge Schedule

After 7pm, Family Point Tent 2 is transformed into a Teen/Tween lounge. From Wednesday of Peace Week to Tuesday of War Week, teens can enjoy a variety of themed nights and activities. These nights will be supervised by a background checked youth officer as well as a second adult. As in all spaces, bullying and harassment will not be tolerated. Parents/Guardians are responsible for their children’s behavior at all times, and Family Activities Staff reserves the right to ask youth to leave.

Providing age appropriate and engaging activities for those 0-18 requires lots of help! Family Point welcomes volunteers. Some volunteer positions do require the volunteer to be a background checked youth officer. 

  • Family Point Supervisors - Whenever Family Point is open, there is a background checked youth officer on duty providing supervision and information.  You can also check in at Family Point to see what shifts are still available for sign up. While all shifts are currently covered you are welcome to stop by Family Point to add your name to our list of available back up Volunteers.
  • Family Point, YouthU, TeenU Teachers - We are still accepting classes for all of our age groups! You do not need to be background checked in order to teach, as we provide a background checked supervisor for all classes. You can sign up to teach by stopping by Family Point.
  • Parent Meetups/Playgroups/etc - We are always looking for those willing to organize a meetup of parents of a similar age group, or round table discussion on SCA Parenting topics. Stop by Family Point to sign up!
  • General Help - We always appreciate help tidying our space, and other in-the-moment help. Feel free to check in with the supervisor on duty while you are at Point!

In addition to Family Programming, there are many other activities either designed for youth, or that youth can participate in. Check the webpage and/or the THING schedule ( for more information about each specific activity. This is not a comprehensive list!

  • Youth can participate in Thrown Weapons and Archery. See their pages for more info.
  • Youth Rapier.
  • Youth Combat.
  • Youth Theater, Choir, Band, and Commedia.
  • Known World Arts & Sciences Display and Youth Arts & Sciences Display.
  • Known World Children’s Fete (Wednesday August 7th from 10-1 in the Great Hall)

The Family Point Games Tent, located in the back tent of Family Point, has scheduled role playing games, and serves as a t(w)een lounge whenever Family Point is open for hangouts/gaming.