All youths ages 6 to 17 are invited to join us on the battlefield for the Pennsic Youth Combat Program. The divisions are: Division 1 (ages 6 to 9), Division 2 (ages 10 to 13), and Division 3 (ages 14 to 17). Youths who moved up a division or were held back because of size, strength, or maturity and youth from kingdoms with different age divisions may participate in the division that is most appropriate based on their home kingdom authorization.
It’s almost time! Pennsic 51 Youth Armored Combat List opens at 10 am Wednesday, July 31!
The Youth Combat Schedule of Activities is available in calendar grid format for download as a .pdf, however updates to this version of the schedule will not be updated during Pennsic. Please see the list-view of the schedule and associated definitions here and visit during Pennsic for last minute updates and schedule changes.
The Youth Combat program at Pennsic has a limited supply of loaner gear so that a fighter may check out items needed for them to safely participate in the program. Borrowed items will need to be returned at the end of session to the marshal tent. Loaner gear is first-come first-served. There is no way to guarantee that there will be an item available if inventory has already been checked out by other fighters. Please try to have a full working set of armor upon arrival, or bring as many elements as you can.
Each kingdom may elect to hold authorization sessions for Youth Combat during the week. Check at the Youth Combat administration tent for more information.
All youth combat activity takes place in our list field, between the main gate and the main battle field.
Youth combatants are expected to provide service at Pennsic. At a minimum, this will take the form of field sweeps for trash and water bottles in our own lists as well as the surrounding area.
We encourage parents and marshals-in-training to volunteer at the Youth Combat list.
A parent, legal guardian, or notarized guardian must accompany their child/youth to the field the first time they participate in youth combat during this Pennsic in order to complete the registration process. During the registration process, the parent/guardian must provide contact information, including a mobile phone number or equivalent method for rapid contact in the case of an emergency by which they can be reached during each youth combat session the child/youth participates in. If the contact information needs to be changed during the course of Pennsic, the parent/guardian must repeat the above procedure.
Participants under the age of 10 must be within voice range or in sight of their parent/guardian or another designated responsible adult (age 18 or older) at all times while participating in Youth Combat. This encompasses the area immediately surrounding the youth list fields. Parents/guardians who wish to designate someone else as a responsible adult for their child under the age of 10 must provide their name and contact information as part of the registration process.
All Youth Combatants must sign in with the marshals for each session. Even if a Youth Combatant has attended the morning session, a separate sign-in is necessary for the afternoon session.
The Marshals-in-Charge of Youth Combat at Pennsic, as listed on the Pennsic staff list, must present proof of a current SCA-required background check before they can assume their roles at Pennsic. Additionally, the background check policy applies to those marshals put in charge of the Youth Combat administration tent and the individual list fields for Divisions 1, 2, and 3.
The Youth Combat program will run from July 31 through August 8. Sessions are scheduled from 8:30 AM to 11:00 AM, and 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM daily, with a few exceptions. Times may vary to avoid conflict with other events. Melee will not be available if a tournament is scheduled on the lists. The Youth Combat list field will be open some evenings for additional activities. Please check the schedule at the Youth Combat list for more information.
• Open Sparring sessions are our most frequent activity on the youth armored combat field. They are open to all divisions and will typically include one-on-one sparring. At the discretion of the marshals, these sessions may also be mixed with specific training activities, small melees, or other activities.
• Battlefield Games sessions are on the youth armored combat field. They are open to all divisions and will involve battlefield simulations, games using props, classic games (brought back by marshals of old), and general youth combat fun.
• Fighters’ Choice/Alternative Tournament date will be the last youth combat session on the youth list; fighters will be allowed to vote on their activities to be run on list. Last hour of the session will have youth helping clear out and take down the list with all marshals present. If bad weather required cancellation of one of the tournaments from earlier in the week, this session can be instead used as the rain date.
Wednesday, July 31
11:00 – 2:00: Open Sparring
Thursday, August 1
8:30 – 11:00: Open Sparring
2:00 – 4:30: Battlefield Games
Friday, August 2
8:30 – 11:00: Open Sparring
2:00 – 4:30: Battlefield Games
Saturday, August 3
8:30 – 11:00: Open Sparring
— no afternoon session, preempted by opening ceremonies
Sunday, August 4
8:30 – 11:00: Open Sparring
— no afternoon session, preempted by marshal training and meetup
6:00 – 8:00: Night with Knights Tournament
Monday, August 5
— no morning session, preempted by multiple tournaments later in the day
2:00 – 4:30: Æthelmearc Tag Team Tournament
6:00 – 8:00: Tarl’s Youth Polearm Tournament
Tuesday, August 6
— no morning session, preempted by tournament later in the day
12:00 -4:00 : Known World Baronial Youth Champions Tournament
Wednesday, August 7
8:30 – 11:00: Open Sparring
2:00 – 4:30: Battlefield Games
Thursday, August 8
8:00 – 11:00: Youth Castle Battle — Meet at Youth List at 8; Process to Castle at 8:15; Awards at 10:30.
— All fighters MUST already have registered and have fought at least one session to be allowed to fight the castle battle.
• No Youth Combat may occur without the presence of a warranted Youth marshal.
• The word “HOLD” is to be used by marshals, fighters, parents or spectators to stop combat activities when they see a problem. You should use “HOLD” when you witness a behavior, weapon or armor condition that is unacceptable or dangerous.
• Any combatant who refuses to obey the commands of the marshals shall be removed from the field.
• Parents, guardians, mentors and other observers are expected to act with courtesy and behave in a responsible manner when in the list area. Adults demonstrating inappropriate behavior will be asked to leave the Youth Martial area. This may result in their child having to withdraw from that day’s activity.
• Shields must be appropriate to the size, strength and control of the fighter. A fighter may be asked to demonstrate control with a shield if it appears to be too heavy or too large to handle properly.
• Shields may not be used as offensive weapons. NO contact between a shield and the opponent’s body is allowed.
• At no time shall there be tournament combat between different divisions.
• “Death From Behind” conventions will not be used.
• The rules of engagement shall be the same as for adult armored combat at Pennsic.
Prior to participating in youth combat activities, and at the beginning of each session, all equipment must be inspected and shall meet all safety and armor requirements of the appropriate division.
Armor standards are as per the SCA Youth Combat Rules, with these additional notes regarding helmets:
All helmets must be padded with closed-cell foam.
Helmets with EPP foam are not allowed.
Helmets with Seven Technology ring-style padding are not allowed.
A helmet with a lengthy open slot across the face, such as a catcher’s mask eye slot which does not have a nasal guard, will NOT be permitted in Divisions 2 or 3.
The use of butt spikes is not allowed in Division 1.
Throwing weapons (axes and javelins) may only be used in melees with the approval of the marshal in charge of the list, who may choose to exclude thrown weapons from specific scenarios or during given sessions at their discretion.
Shield standards are as per the SCA Youth Combat Rules. Note that Society rules require a minimum edge thickness of one-half inch.