We are excited to bring you a Pennsic full of:

  • Amazing, talented, new and returning performers – Actors, Musicians, Storytellers, and more
  • A plethora of classes and events in Theater, Commedia, Foolery, Juggling, European Music, Choirs, Instrumental Ensembles, Storytelling, various Bardic forms, and so much more.
  • The “Performing Arts Afternoon Series,” highlighting a different form of the performing arts each day


Thank you to all performers, event organizers, and teachers volunteering to share your talents and passion for the performing arts with the Pennsic populace. We encourage a wide variety of performances and events, reflecting the Medieval and Renaissance periods, and peoples and cultures those periods encompass, as well as performances which celebrate the unique history, culture, and traditions of our Society.

Lady Scholastica Joycors

Online: You can use the Thing to look up performances and create your own personal calendar of events you want to attend.

At Pennsic: The schedule of Performing Arts events will be listed in the Pennsic Event Guide. Any changes to the schedule will be listed daily on the Performing Arts marquee and in the Pennsic Independent newspaper.

Performers: We are still accepting performance requests, in case of any late or emergency cancellations. Please contact the Dean for more information.

Performers can be found at our two dedicated performance spaces:

The Performing Arts Tent has facilities for performers, including a stage, lighting, and backstage area, as well as a generous audience seating area under a fully covered tent. Location: within the Pennsic University (block N04), near the corner of Kurdson Way and Chandler’s Road (see map).

The Performing Arts Amphitheater is an open-air venue for daylight and early evening performances. Bring your own seating or a blanket, and enjoy entertainment at the stage down on the green. Location: behind the bathhouse, across from the Cooper’s Store (see map). There are three entrances: from the Great Middle Highway (across from Midrealm Royal), from the Low Road behind the bathhouse (walk past the shower entrance), and a third, slightly flatter path down the hill beyond the merchants by the large willow tree.

In case of rain, Amphitheater performances may be moved to the expanded Performing Arts Rehearsal & Class Tent. It is near the Amphitheater, and labelled “PA Rehearsal & Class Tent” on the map.

The Pennsic University Staff and Performing Arts staff kindly request that:

  • Attendees do not block the paths to the University Tents while viewing performances.
  • If you take chairs from surrounding class tents to view a performance, please put them back afterwards.
  • Smokers – please step 20 feet away from any tent.
  • Dispose of litter in lined trash cans around the Commons.
  • For performers’ safety, no flash photography.
  • Please do not place video cameras on, behind, or around the staff light table.

We thank you for your consideration!

To request space and time for Performances / Rehearsals / Events

Please read the Performing Arts Policies. You can also check to see what Performing Arts events are already on the schedule to avoid conflicts.

April 25th is the deadline to submit requests for performances, events, rehearsals, and/or auditions in the Performing Arts Tent, Rehearsal and Class Tent or the Amphitheater. Please contact Performing Arts.

Any requests received after April 25th will be considered on a contingency basis in case of late or emergency cancellation of a scheduled performer. These performances will appear in the online and other on-site schedules, but not in the site book.

Performance Styles

We encourage a wide variety of performances and events, but they should be consistent with the time period and the interests of the Society for Creative Anachronism – specifically the Medieval and Renaissance periods and the peoples and cultures those periods encompass. The exceptions are those performances which reflect specific aspects of our Society – its background, history, culture and traditions.

Performances that are blatantly modern in subject matter, music, costuming, scenery, and instrumentation are not appropriate for performance at the Pennsic War.

Thank you for volunteering to share your talent and your passion for the performing arts with the Pennsic populace!

Pennsic War would not run without its volunteers, and the Performing Arts are no exception to that rule. Please see our staff at the Performing Arts Tent, or stop by the Volunteer Office to sign up.

We are always seeking volunteers in five areas:

  1. Performing Arts Set-up – Monday through Wednesday of Peace Week, we build the stage, hang curtains, rig house and backstage lights, and set up the chairs. This starts at about 9:00 am each day and continues until we are done. Come help us make the tent into a theater worthy of the name! Bring your cordless drills. We also set up the Amphitheater and the Performing Arts Rehearsal Tent and work on special projects.
  2. Tent Openers/Closers – Most activities at the Performing Arts Tent begin around 8:00 am and end after the final show of the evening. We need help each morning around 8:00 am to help open up our walls. If you are an early riser and your camp is not, have we got a job for you! Are you a night owl instead? Help us drop walls, straighten chairs, and clear the tent at the end of the night after the final performance, often around 11:00 pm.
  3. Water Bearing – The Performing Arts Tent has two water coolers for the convenience of performers and audiences. These often need to be filled twice every day. If you want to volunteer and only have 10-15 minutes to do so, we can use your help.
  4. Light Table Helper / Usher– Sit at the light board table during shows, assist in bringing up stage lights and house lights as needed, help communications run smoothly between front of house and backstage, assist patrons in finding seats, and announce shows as needed. Split shifts are available. You have the best seats in the house!
  5. Performing Arts Strike – Friday night of War week, after the final scheduled performance, we break down and store everything. Again, bring your cordless drills. Friday afternoon we also break down the Amphitheater and the Performing Arts Rehearsal & Class Tent.

To volunteer, please contact Performing Arts for more information and the most up-to-date signup sheets.

Artists, event organizers, and teachers who do not abide by these policies are putting this year’s activities in danger of on-site cancellation as well as consideration for scheduling in future years.

  1. The Performing Arts Spaces are subject to the Pennsic University Tent Use Policies.
  2. Performers, Teachers, and Event Coordinators wishing to use the Town Crier Boards for posters or announcements, please read the Town Crier Guidelines. Strongly Recommended – have signs pre-approved. Contact the Town Criers.
  3. Only performances, events, rehearsals, and classes officially registered with Pennsic Performing Arts and following the rules and regulations are posted in the online and onsite schedules.
  4. No open flames shall be used in classes, performances, or demonstrations in any Performing Arts Venue at Pennsic War.
  5. Be considerate and courteous to fellow performing groups, fellow instructors, as well as the other Pennsic departments and their staff who interact with Performing Arts. Reports of discourtesy will be taken under consideration for future performance scheduling.
  6. Performance Assessment. If you are fortunate enough to be granted a slot to perform, you are required to provide a form of service. That entails providing one hour for each person in your performance, i.e., if you have three (3) people in your show, then the total of hours for your one-hour performance is three (3) hours. That can be accomplished by 3 people giving one hour each or one person giving three (3) hours. A sign-up form is emailed to each group to signup for volunteer hours. The types of service can be physical, as in the set-up or striking of the set, filling water for the tent, or working at the back table during the show. We can’t make this dream work without your volunteer hours. Should you not fulfill your performance assessment, it will affect whether you will get a performance slot the following year. If  you are unable to help or find others to sign in for you due to Pennsic travel schedules or physical challenges, please contact the Dean of Performing Arts for alternate volunteer arrangements.
  7. Please request ample time to set-up and to strike your performance, event, or class. Your reserved time in performing arts spaces must include these activities.
  8. Performing Arts facilities have to run on schedule, for the enjoyment of all. Please respect your allotted time limits. Rehearsals, Events, Classes, and Performances that attempt to start early or run beyond their scheduled time will be shut down and your chances of returning to Performing Arts spaces in the future will be greatly diminished.
  9. Your group must leave the stages, seating area, and backstage clean, tidy, and ready for the next performance group to use. Failure to fully clean up after your class, rehearsals, event, or performance will result in a decreased chance of using the space in the future.
  10. Any damage to tent, stage, curtains, or other Pennsic Performing Arts properties may result in a monetary fine to the performer or performance group and possible temporary suspension or permanent exclusion of future performances or events.
  11. There is no parking of vehicles around the Performing Arts spaces during performances. If your equipment cannot be carried you may have it dropped off during your setup time, but the vehicle must be moved before your performance begins. Vehicles cannot be used as a power source for amplifiers or other equipment. Vehicles left parked at the Performing Arts Tent or Amphitheater outside of your setup time will be reported to The Watch.
  12. The Performing Arts Tent does not provide access to electricity. The outlets at the Performing Arts Tent are solely for the use of the Performing Arts staff and Pennsic War operations. Anything else found plugged in will be turned over to Lost and Found.
  13.  Parking. There shall be NO parking of vehicles behind or around the Performing Arts tent or Amphitheater. This is a drop-off zone only. If your equipment cannot be carried, you may have it dropped off during your setup time, but the vehicle must be moved as soon as you have unloaded.  Vehicles cannot be used as a power source for amplifiers or other equipment.  Vehicles left parked at the Performing Arts Tent or Amphitheater outside of your setup time stand the chance of being ticketed or towed.
  14. If your event requires use of microphones, amplifiers, or “canned music” through speakers, please email the Dean of the College of Performing Arts, or indicate that you need a tech rehearsal and sound check when you fill in the Performing Arts performance request form. Exceeding sound levels set during tech check during performance could result in being shut down and your chances of returning to Performing Arts spaces in the future will be greatly diminished.
  15. If an acoustic instrument needs amplification, or if you are using “canned music” you are welcome to use battery or generator-operated sound equipment, which you provide. The volume must be kept at a reasonable and courteous level for the time of day, and all evidence of modern amplification must be fully hidden from the audience’s view.
  16. The use of fully modern electronic instruments such as keyboards, electric guitars, or basses are not allowed. Amplified acoustic instruments are acceptable within the above terms.
  17. Sales of CDs or other merchandise, and other soliciting, is strictly prohibited inside the Performing Arts venues and Pennsic University Blocks. “Passing the hat” is also prohibited. You may contract with a merchant to sell your merchandise for you in the marketplace spaces, or register as a Pennsic merchant yourself, if you have merchandise to sell.
  18. There are no “traditional time slots” in the Performing Arts Tent. Be specific in asking for your date and time and please prepare to be flexible. Each request will be considered based on the following criteria:
    • How period or SCA relevant is the activity? Does it reflect the goals of the SCA – to research and re-create the various cultures of the Middle Ages and Renaissance? Does it contribute positively to SCA culture through original works, compositions, and yes, filks and satires?
    • How inclusive is the activity? Is it open to anyone who wishes to perform or is it a small group of performers or solo act?
    • Did you submit an incomplete form? Incomplete requests will fall to the bottom of the pile automatically. We have many requests to process. Incomplete forms will delay or prohibit processing your request.
    • How well have you followed these policies in the past? Performers and event coordinators who fail to meet volunteer requirements or who have disregarded the policies of Performing Arts in the past will be given the least amount of consideration for a time slot on the stages.Contact the Registrar and we’ll try our best. Please keep in mind that for certain days and times, tent space is very scarce — we’re not trying to be difficult, but to ensure everyone gets as good a slot as possible. Preference will be given to those requesting a time first. We will try to accommodate requested changes, but can make no guarantees.