Photo Gallery

Pennsic 50 Photos Misty morning down by the lake Roman temple A foggy morning stroll Viking A-frame and camp Foggy lakeside view Clouds threatening over the lake Foggy morning by the lake Midnight Madness Merchants Midnight Madness Merchants Midnight Madness Merchants Midnight Madness Merchants Mural Row of tents Fantastic Gate A beautiful dedication Runestone Offerings […]

Pennsic’s History, and Future

Dates of Future Pennsic Wars Pennsic Wars start at the end of July, and run for 17 days. The end date is the second full weekend in August. Opening day of Pennsic may be as early as July 24 or as late as July 30. (Historical Note: prior to 2007, Pennsic War used to begin and […]

Pennsic Rules

Below you will find rules and Policies in regards to Pennsic. Pennsic 51 Event Guide Pennsic 51 Rules – April 2024 Pennsic War Financial Policy – April 2019 Parking and Traffic Rules

Information Services

Pennsic 51 is here! Pennsic Information Services division is composed of Information Point, Lost and Found, Pennsic Town Criers, the Media Liaison, the website, Pennsic Social Media (Facebook & Twitter), and the Event guide. – Information Services Team At Pennsic you can find us in the blue and white Town Hall tent, just in front […]


See detailed maps about pennsic below! Also see the “Land” maps here PW50 – Land map ( Pennsic 50 Land Map Battlefield Map Pennsic University Barn Area  

Rental/Delivery Procedures

Letter and Package Deliveries Letter deliveries for individuals via the United States Postal Service will be available at Information Point in Town Hall, near the Camp Store. Express letters, packages, and boxes (all non-standard letter mail) are delivered to the Merchant Office across from the Public Safety Tent. Prodecures for Rentals /Deliveries at Pennsic The […]

Firewood Info

Campfires Firewood can be purchased at the camp store, or at an off-site location. Do not cut the campsite’s foliage for firewood. Under no circumstances may garbage, refuse, hay, or straw be burned. Firepits must not be more than 3 feet deep. Before leaving camp, extinguish any fires so that they are no longer smoking […]

Exit Policy

Garbage Please clean up litter and garbage around your campsite and place it in the dumpsters. If the dumpster is full, please do not put your trash in front of the dumpsters – then the garbage men can’t empty them. You can stack them on the sides or behind the dumpster. Wood Leave all your […]

Campground Bus

Pennsic Buses and Tracker Pennsic Bus Route Static Map There are only 1 to 2 buses running during Peace Week, and they have to do the whole route. Please be patient. For everyone’s safety, all war attendees are asked to PLEASE GET OUT OF THE WAY OF THE BUS. We have nearly lost bus service […]

Event Guide

book morph animated

Pennsic 51 Event Guide Pennsic 51 Handout Pennsic 50 Event Guide *Previous Year* Pennsic 49 Event Guide *Previous Year*

The Pennsic War